B12 Shots in Reno NV

Active Life Integrated Health offers B-12 shots in Reno NV. Here are some Vitamin B-12 (known as Cobalamin) facts:
- The body needs but does not produce.
- Found in animal products.
- Some food products are fortified with B-12, however poorly absorbed due to the inactive form of B-12 known as pseudo-vitamin B-12.
- Water soluble, thus access is easily eliminated via urine.
Populations at increased risk for B-12 deficiency in Reno NV:
- Older adults
- GI disorders (Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, GERD, acid reflux, indigestion, lack of enzyme intrinsic factor, history of bariatric surgery or bowel resection)
- Vegetarian diet, history of Gout
- Patients with:
- Frequent Alcohol intake
- Anyone with poor diet (children or busy high school /or college students, elderly)
- Medications:
- Diabetic meds (ex. Metformin), Gout meds (ex. Colchicine)
- Acid reflux meds (ex. Pepcid, Prilosec, Protonix, Nexium, etc.)
Vital Roles of B-12 in the body:
- Supports DNA repair.
- Prevents anemia, helps oxygen transportation.
- Supports serotonin synthesis and metabolism.
- Prevents fatigue, weakness, depression, and brain fog.
- Prevents heart disease.
- Supports bone health and prevents osteoporosis.
- Supports red cell production.
- Supports energy levels and mood.
- Supports nerve cell production and healthy brain function.
- Supports memory and prevents mental decline.
- Supports healthy pregnancy and prevents birth defects.
- Supports healthy vision, prevention of age-related macular degeneration.
- Helps lower inflammation by lowering homocysteine levels.
- Supports healthy hair, skin and nails and thus utilized as an adjunct therapy to IV beauty cocktails.
- Prevents angular stomatitis (cracked and inflamed mouth corners).
- Helps tissue repair and recovery after intense workouts.
- Helps weight loss and thus prescribed regimen with weight loss therapies.
- Helps with the detoxification process and thus utilized as an adjunct therapy after hangover, bachelorette parties.
Disclaimer: This information does not replace a medical consultation.
8:00am - 6:30pm
By Appointment
8:00am - 6:30pm
1:30pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
By Appointment
Active Life Integrated Health
971 W Moana Ln
Reno, NV 89509
P: (775) 842-0065
F: (775) 409-3407