Hormone Optimization in Reno NV

What is bio-identical hormone optimization therapy?
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in Reno NV with pellets is a natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy. With bio-identical hormones, the structure of the hormone - testosterone, estrogen or both - is matched to the individual patient's needs. Bio-identical hormones are natural, plant-based substances that metabolize in our bodies the way nature intended.
Synthetic hormones are mass-produced and artificially formulated in a lab. Artificial hormones are intentionally manufactured to be slightly different from natural human hormones, so the manufacturer can patent the formulation.
Consequently, synthetic hormones may not provide a good fit or optimum outcome for the human body like bio-identical hormones do.
What are bio-identical hormone pellets, and how do they work?
Composed of either testosterone or estradiol, bio-identical hormone pellets are larger than a grain of rice and smaller than a Tic Tac. Our supplier in the U.S. presses the hormones into the tiny, solid cylinders.
During the sterile procedure, the practitioner applies a local anesthetic, makes a small incision, then inserts the pellets into fatty tissue under the skin - typically in the flank or upper buttocks. The incision is then closed without any need for stitches.
The pellets release testosterone or estrogen into the bloodstream based on cardiac output, in other words, due to increased physical activity or emotional stress (good or bad), This steady stream of hormones helps keep symptoms such as mood and energy fluctuations at bay.
Subcutaneous (under the skin) pellets have been used for hormone imbalance since the 1930s, and research consistently shows bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with pellet implants is the superior method to deliver hormones in both men and women.
Even if the patient doesn’t have symptoms, imbalanced hormones may be threatening their health
It’s important to note that many patients with low testosterone or estrogen don’t experience the common symptoms related to hormone imbalance. They may believe they don't need bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, since they generally feel well and their energy levels are up. Unfortunately, this may be a dangerous assumption.
While bioidentical hormone replacement therapy via pellets effectively treats symptoms related to imbalanced testosterone and estrogen levels, research also suggests that hormone optimization may play a key role in preventing disease such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, certain cancers, and others.
Who can benefit from bio-identical hormone optimization therapy via pellets and how?
As we age, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone naturally decline over time. Around age 35, men experience a gradual reduction in testosterone, typically 2 to 10 percent per year. For women, pre-menopause may start as early as in the 30’s. In fact, often hormone imbalance kicks in long before hot flashes do - by 10-15 years!
Patients need to listen to their bodies. Is the body saying, “I feel a bit off?” In other words, do they feel like many men and women in their 30s, 40s and beyond who…..
- Lack motivation and feel more tired than usual.
- Gain weight for no reason - especially belly fat!
- Experience mood swings more frequently.
- Feel anxious and depressed.
- Struggle with brain fog and insomnia.
- Wonder why their sexual desire and libido have tapered off.
If these symptoms sound familiar, the patient may be an excellent candidate for subcutaneous hormone pellet implants. So, how can you find out for sure? Schedule an appointment with our providers at Active Life Integrated Health for a consultation.
Getting to the real issue you are having
It is unfortunate, but our healthcare system, more appropriately called our sick care system doesn’t provide medical practitioners the time to find out why you don’t feel like yourself anymore. Rather than getting to the reason why you feel the way you do, they prescribe antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication, sleeping pills and other medications that simply cover up your symptoms.
At Active Life Integrated Health, we look at the whole person to discover why you don’t feel well. While hormone optimization plays a large role, it isn’t always the only solution. Each patient is looked at as an individual with specific needs, from pellet therapy, nutritional support, detoxification, joint repair, stress and anxiety management.
Common symptoms of hormone imbalance for Men in Reno NV
For men who feel they just don’t have the spark they once had or are struggling to stay ahead of the demands of life, testosterone imbalance may be the reason.
- Fatigue, lethargy, and lack of motivation.
- Mood swings, anxiety, and depression.
- Decline in general well-being, feeling burned out.
- Inability to focus and remember things.
- Insomnia.
- Stubborn weight gain, belly fat, and food cravings.
- Decrease in the immune system.
- Frequent Illnesses.
- Hair Loss.
- Saggy, dry, aging skin.
- Difficulty gaining and maintaining muscle mass.
- Aches, joint pain, and longer recovery time from injuries.
- Loss of libido and inability to achieve or maintain an erection.
Men with hormone deficiency have...
- Increased risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Increased risk for Cardiovascular Disease
- Increased risk for Prostate Cancer
- Increased risk for Diabetes
Common symptoms of hormone imbalance for Women
- Fatigue, lethargy, and lack of motivation.
- Inability to focus and remember things.
- Mood swings, anxiety, and depression.
- Insomnia and night sweats.
- Stubborn weight gain, belly fat, and food cravings.
- Frequent illnesses.
- Hair loss.
- Saggy, dry, aging skin.
- Aches, joint pain, and longer recovery time from injuries.
- Loss of libido, difficulty achieving arousal, and orgasm.
- Painful intercourse.
- Frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs).
- Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and night sweats.
- Infrequent menstrual cycles - or lack of menstrual cycle - prior to menopause.
As with everything we do here at Active Life Integrated Health, you are investing in yourself and that is one of the biggest benefits of an active life.
8:00am - 6:30pm
By Appointment
8:00am - 6:30pm
1:30pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
By Appointment
Active Life Integrated Health
971 W Moana Ln
Reno, NV 89509
P: (775) 842-0065
F: (775) 409-3407